
Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Telecommuting will have major effects in the worlds of work and family life. However, its biggest effect will be in the area of individual freedom, responsibility, and time management. Work and workplaces will alter dramatically. Offices may become smaller, as fewer desks are needed. There will be greater need for high-bandwidth connections to link the office and the home, and even homes to other homes, as other employees and supervisors also begin working at home. Hours spent commuting, traffic jams, and fights for parking should diminish, as workers make fewer journeys or work staggered hours.Family life will also change. Workers, both husbands and wives, can arrange their work around family commitments such as taking children to school, cooking, leisure activities, etc. However, households will also have to set aside areas for work - particularly if both spouses are telecommuting. In conclusion, the effects are difficult to predict because they depend on the extent to which telecommuting becomes popular. However, telecommuting could be the start of a major societal shift, possibly as big as the Industrial Revolution which created our present ideas of work.


The Birth Order Theory states that the order in which you were born tends to determine many things, such as how you perceive the world, your sense of responsibility, your expectations, and other personality characteristics. Also, according to the Birth Order Theory, these characteristics then influence the career you choose, the types of relationships you have, and how well you will do in your adult life. I believe that according to the Birth Order Theory, there are characteristics that can be generalized about the second born child in a family, and children who are in the middle as well. Birth order personality affects every area of litations that the second child is expected to meet. In this sense, the second child always has someone ahead, which can either be a good or bad thing, depending on the way the person sees his or her situation. There are also many general characteristics that second born children tend to have.

Sunday, February 13, 2011



There are many environmental issues facing our world today. If I were given a year to improve the earths environment I would focus on one issue the world faces today, it is our dependence on oil. This dependence we have is so strong we have started wars, killed and deceived people for oil. I think it is time we do something about it and try and find an alternative form of energy. Because soon this problem will be too much for us to handle and by then it will be too late.Oil has become a pressing issue for both the USA and the world in the past century partly due to the fact that we are either too lazy or some people are too greedy to find an environmentally sound solution to our increasing dependence on it. There are many environmental problems linked to oil both directly and indirectly. These are just a few solutions to this problem but we need to act on them now or else it will be to late because by then we will be involved in a tragic war over it or our earths atmosphere will have become so polluted the changes are irreversible. If it were up to me these things would be put into affect now we would live in a much cleaner and much safer environment.

KP (3rd week entry)

                According to, incentive is defined as any factor whether financial or non-financial  that enables or motivates particular course of action. It is  an expectation that encourages people actions or behaviour. Money incentive is a financial incentives to encourages certain people whether students or employees to encourage them to do something better in a particular way. According to, many students whether public or private college failed or acquired GPA below 2.00. This is known as probation (PB) or KP.  KP2 students are those who acquire GPA below 2.00 after two consecutive semesters. We are convinced that giving these KP2 students monetary incentives are actually a financial lost course. This kind of action will not do them good as it will only lead them to fail yet another semester because they will lose concentration in their study. By not giving them the monetary incentives is also a sort of incentive that will encourage them to get their loan back. They will have to study hard as they have lost their scholarship or loan for their current semester.
                As we all know, students in most college are easily tend to have “culture shock” by its surrounding and peers persuasion. This is because of entertainment temptation and freedom, some students which far from family perception feel free to do anything. Giving them the monetary incentives will only encourage them to spend the money unwisely. Based on a research conduct by a group of lecturers, students with a lot of money tend to spend it to another reason than education. Such as buying new models of electronic devices, expensive clothing attire, going out for a cinema and other unrewarding item (comics, cigarettes, and etc). This will lead to their total lost of concentration towards study because they will neglect their assignment, thesis and even class.
            In addition, without the monetary incentive, the students will have to work hard to achieve GPA higher than 2.00 if they want their loan and scholarship back in current semester. This kind of coercive incentive works as a punishment so that they will improve their grade. The action of suspending their loan or scholarship is a proof itself and many students that were suspended from their loan improve their grade. Hence, giving them the monetary incentive will be a sort of disturbance for them to score higher grade.
            Furthermore, money incentive was suppose to be given to students with great results such as the Dean’s Lists students or students of Chancellor Award. Financial incentive to the KP2 students is irrelevant like the saying “like cast pearls before swine”. This will only lead to the unsatisfactory among students that acquire GPA higher than 2.00 maybe even the scholars and the college itself.
            As a conclusion, we totally disagree that KP2 students should be given monetary incentive as this action will bring many harm than it brings good to them. They were given the chance when they acquire KP1. Their perfunctory action that leads to KP2 can be taken as a sign that giving them the money incentive will only worsen their academic result. Thus, maybe leading to Fail and Out (FO) from their college.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


P.Ramlee is known as Malaysia's most beloved and versatile entertainer. His early education was in Sekolah Melayu Kampung Jawa and then the Francis Light School. During the Japanese Occupation he worked in a tin factory and attended a school set up by the Japanese navy, where he learned Japanese songs. In 1945 he entered a singing contest organised by Penang Radio for North Malaya, where he emerged third. He was the runner-up in the following year and the winner in 1947. At a cultural festival in early 1948, where he sang his own composition "Azizah", he was spotted by director B.S. Rahjans who invited him to work as a back-up singer for Shaw Brothers studio films, based in Singapore. He accepted, and the next few weeks saw him working as a clapper-boy, assistant cameraman, and continuity person in addition to singing. His first acting role was in Cinta (1948) as a villain. In the next 18 years under the Malay Film Production unit of Shaw Brothers (popularly known as the Ampas Road studio) he acted in, composed music for and eventually wrote and directed dozens of Malay movies ranging from historical dramas to contemporary comedies. He won several acting and composing awards at the Asian Film Festival in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1964 he moved to Kuala Lumpur where he made another 18 films under the Merdeka Studio. He is believed to have composed about 250 songs. On the 27th of May 1973, P. Ramlee died at the age of 44 due to a heart attack and was buried in Jalan Ampang Muslim Cemetery, Kuala Lumpur His untimely death was a huge shock to the nation, and a sense of collective guilt began to spread nationwide, as prior to his death, he had been discredited and rejected by his own nation, citing that he was then a 'has been', and his songs and film were no longer marketable.


If i were to rule the world , my focus would be on eliminating opinions of the people worldwide . Honestly , individual opinion is the reason for disagreement and the cause of war . Although opinion is one of the main aspect to individuality, more often than not it serves as the formula and usually results in a disagreement of some sort. If u think about it, opinion are only stressed when something isn’t universally clear. Therefore, if it’s not universally understood than it is not important. If society agrees on a certain issue, than it is no longer and opinion, but yet a universal concept.


1 Malaysia can be define as national unity. Upon ascending to Malaysia’s highest public office on April 2009, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak has made waves to all cornersof the nation with the introduction of 1Malaysia concept. The concept evolves around culture of excellence, perseverance, acceptance, education, integrity, meritocracy humility and loyalty. 1Malaysia concept caters the needs of all sector of the plural society and to ensure equal distribution of wealth between racial groups, between states and federal. 1Malaysia has been the ‘it’ buzzword of Malaysia ever since it was launched and mooted by the Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak. However, the policy has yet to be fully understood by the public. Principles in “1Malaysia” should instil to society, so that country development process and Vision 2020 can be achieved.


I can contribute to the community by preparing myself well to be the best student. In addition, I want to contribute to clubs such as the Black Student Alliance and others. My interest while in college is to broaden my love for knowledge, and to take advantage of the study abroad programs. Travelling and learning are two passions of mine. By going abroad for a semester whether it be Hong Kong or France to learn their culture, language and view the biggest attractions available is something I hope to achieve in my college career. The power an education holds on an individual and using that as a tool to unlock countless opportunities in life means a great deal to me. I want to experience first hand the different outlooks on life people have, also to have a sense of independence. Gaining an extensive understanding of my major International Business will give me the knowledgeable tools to accommodate and commit to my small business in the future. 
At a young age I was educated on the lesson of commitment. When I was eight I wanted to try out for the youth baseball league. My mother signed me up and I built the team. Being left-handed, it was difficult to throw and catch the ball right handed. On defence I played the left outfield. I would catch the ball, drop my glove, and throw the ball to first base. In practice, I would knock the balls out the park but when game time came around it was the complete opposite. When it was my turn to bat I would strike out every time. This would happen for the rest of my season, and I started to loose interest for the sport until I got my first hit on the last inning of the season. The moral of this story is that I was terrible at baseball and I wanted to quit, but my mother made me tough the season out. I now understand what she wanted me to realize, and that's commitment. I think that kind of commitment is what I'd like to bring to my degree along with my career related projects in the future.

To recap, I'm preparing myself in community college to advance to the next level of education. I've shared my aspirations while in college, also my desire to fully understand my major, lastly my lesson with commitment. Mentally, I'm ready more than ever to pursue my education. The power to influence the future lies in my hands and CU Boulder is the right university to make my dreams and ambitions a reality.