
Sunday, February 13, 2011



There are many environmental issues facing our world today. If I were given a year to improve the earths environment I would focus on one issue the world faces today, it is our dependence on oil. This dependence we have is so strong we have started wars, killed and deceived people for oil. I think it is time we do something about it and try and find an alternative form of energy. Because soon this problem will be too much for us to handle and by then it will be too late.Oil has become a pressing issue for both the USA and the world in the past century partly due to the fact that we are either too lazy or some people are too greedy to find an environmentally sound solution to our increasing dependence on it. There are many environmental problems linked to oil both directly and indirectly. These are just a few solutions to this problem but we need to act on them now or else it will be to late because by then we will be involved in a tragic war over it or our earths atmosphere will have become so polluted the changes are irreversible. If it were up to me these things would be put into affect now we would live in a much cleaner and much safer environment.