
Sunday, February 13, 2011

KP (3rd week entry)

                According to, incentive is defined as any factor whether financial or non-financial  that enables or motivates particular course of action. It is  an expectation that encourages people actions or behaviour. Money incentive is a financial incentives to encourages certain people whether students or employees to encourage them to do something better in a particular way. According to, many students whether public or private college failed or acquired GPA below 2.00. This is known as probation (PB) or KP.  KP2 students are those who acquire GPA below 2.00 after two consecutive semesters. We are convinced that giving these KP2 students monetary incentives are actually a financial lost course. This kind of action will not do them good as it will only lead them to fail yet another semester because they will lose concentration in their study. By not giving them the monetary incentives is also a sort of incentive that will encourage them to get their loan back. They will have to study hard as they have lost their scholarship or loan for their current semester.
                As we all know, students in most college are easily tend to have “culture shock” by its surrounding and peers persuasion. This is because of entertainment temptation and freedom, some students which far from family perception feel free to do anything. Giving them the monetary incentives will only encourage them to spend the money unwisely. Based on a research conduct by a group of lecturers, students with a lot of money tend to spend it to another reason than education. Such as buying new models of electronic devices, expensive clothing attire, going out for a cinema and other unrewarding item (comics, cigarettes, and etc). This will lead to their total lost of concentration towards study because they will neglect their assignment, thesis and even class.
            In addition, without the monetary incentive, the students will have to work hard to achieve GPA higher than 2.00 if they want their loan and scholarship back in current semester. This kind of coercive incentive works as a punishment so that they will improve their grade. The action of suspending their loan or scholarship is a proof itself and many students that were suspended from their loan improve their grade. Hence, giving them the monetary incentive will be a sort of disturbance for them to score higher grade.
            Furthermore, money incentive was suppose to be given to students with great results such as the Dean’s Lists students or students of Chancellor Award. Financial incentive to the KP2 students is irrelevant like the saying “like cast pearls before swine”. This will only lead to the unsatisfactory among students that acquire GPA higher than 2.00 maybe even the scholars and the college itself.
            As a conclusion, we totally disagree that KP2 students should be given monetary incentive as this action will bring many harm than it brings good to them. They were given the chance when they acquire KP1. Their perfunctory action that leads to KP2 can be taken as a sign that giving them the money incentive will only worsen their academic result. Thus, maybe leading to Fail and Out (FO) from their college.