
Friday, March 25, 2011


A lie or cheat is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others. To lie or cheat is to state something with disregard to the truth with the intention that people will accept the statement as truth.
All person cheats. Right? Who dare say that during his life, he never cheats at all? I'm sure everyone had cheat. I'm sure there are no lovers that don’t cheat their couples and I'm sure even parents sometimes cheat their children even if they love their kids so much. No person in the world is pure from deception, all had their mistakes.

Cheating is a part of the life now. Maybe we think we are the most honest person in the world (or at least we try to be that person) but at the same time, in certain situations we have, or not wait to deceive. We cheat for many reasons, maybe we cheat in exams, see the next person in exams, tricks parents; saying that class finished late when actually hanging out at cyber cafe. In the business world, every year the big companies cheat by altering their audit accounts. Numbers are just numbers. Fraud is to give a good impression and to fill the pockets of certain people.
What I'm trying to say here is:
 It is impossible for us to put our full trust to someone but maybe for special ones (love, family member).
 The world will be a better place if all the people inside it stop cheating.
 It is not easy to find a person who can be truthful to us, so, as soon as we found one, maintain our relationship with that person.
 Not even a single person free of cheating, even if it is just a small ones. People cheat for their own benefits.

At one hand, we all want to look into a mirror and feel good of ourselves so, we don’t want to cheat. At the other hand we could cheat a little bit and still feel good about ourselves. So maybe what is happening is, there is a level of cheating that we can’t go over but we can still benefit from cheating at the low degree as long as it doesn’t change our impression about ourselves.