
Friday, March 25, 2011

Students must vote during the 'Students' Election' because..

I do not think this should be the issue because students are no longer believes in the effectiveness of MPP responsibilities. we see what we can from the former MPP.

MPP should fully weigh who is their priority

Who should be the priority? Who is the SRC is formed? Does the student demands are met? Do what the MPP is a request to do before the students nor it is assumed that the SRC is the student demand.

Is the SRC provided enough channels to convey the problems of students? Effectiveness of these channels? Is the table open a complaint is sufficient to obtain the cooperation of students? How an organization interacts with its shareholders, would influence the performance of the organization.

We do not mind will fight elections or trivial among students in research institutes. We just want to learn and excel grad. May also collect memories. To do so, we just need good food, cheap and good quality. Bus services that are consistent, comfortable residential colleges, etc. ..

So we will not vote! .. Who cares!